Very Rare Antique Japanese Military 1936 Thai Navy Submarine Launch Ceremony Commemorative Vase
This is an antique Japanese military commemorative vase. The vase is decorated with Mount Fuji, with some cherry blossom trees drawn on it. The base of the vase has the words "Thai Navy Submarine Launch Commemorative" "Showa 11th Year (1936) December 24th" and "Mitsubishi Kobe Shipyard". This is a very rare and historic item commemorating the launch of the only submarines the Thailand navy has ever had - the Matchanu class. The subs were ordered to fulfill coastal defense roles. They were built by Mitsubishi all at Kobe and ended up serving the Thai navy from 1938 to 1951. There were a total of four, and it seems the first two were launched on this date. Note the little palm tree on the base of the vase too.
This is a real piece of naval history.
Condition: Mint
Size: 3.25" tall x 3.25" diameter